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4 Steps to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

If you’ve set a New Year’s goal for yourself and you’re still reading this, congratulations.  You’d be absolutely sho...

6 Steps to Create Your Own Fitness & Diet Plan

You're ready to start a new diet or fitness regimen but not quite sure where to begin. It's a common predicament — wi...

How I Ate a Ton of Food and Still Lost Weight

Submitted by Guest Blogger, Jamie Cassata Important note: G&G doesn't offer medical advice. We recommend speaking...

Debunking the Diet Myth

It seems like every time a new year rolls around, it is a “resolution” to lose weight and exercise. I challenge you t...

The Truth About Fad Diets

Submitted by Guest Blogger, Megan Tomaszewski As 2019 came close, I, like many people, began evaluating my dietary ch...

The Benefits of Meal Planning

the most obvious benefit to planning meals in advance is the nutrition factor. When creating your own dishes, you can...
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